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P.U.P.A hosted their first-period supply drive.

On November 6th, 2021 The P.U.P.A Project e-board members and volunteers had a successful period supply drive. The team packed over 175 bags to give out to those in the North Jackson area. Over 65 bags filled with pads, tampons, pantyliners, and more were given on that Saturday.

The team had a great time educating those in the community on period poverty and providing those in need with period aid. The team plans to host a period supply drive twice a month. Stay tuned for those dates.

In the picture above, we have Ms. Okiya Oko, an 8th grader, at Brinkley Middle School. Okiya currently is an honor roll student and cheerleader at Brinkley. She helped the team prepare the bags for the supply drive and provided feedback on what girls her age need. During our period supply drive, she held the sign, "Menstruators helping Menstruators. We love to see it!"

Our Founder/CEO Ms.Ja'lyn McElroy stated that "It warms my heart to see someone that young out here with us. Okiya is in middle school being exposed to an issue that affects young girls and women daily. She won't learn about it in school because it's being ignored or pushed underneath the rug. Okiya is only the first young activist to be a part of P.U.P.A. I hope we get more girls like her during this movement."

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